What are Geo-Poli-Cyber™ Risks, Threats & Warfare & How to Mitigate them?
Geo-Poli-Cyber™ & Econ-Geo-Poli-Cyber™
Attacks & Warfare
Today’s Unmitigated & Catastrophic Risks & Threats.
“To Do Nothing vs To Act Promptly to Learn, identify and Mitigate.”
A Call to Action.
What is Geo-Poli-Cyber™ (GPCyber™) & what are its Risks, Threats & Warfare?
Under the leadership of its chairman Khaled Fattal, the MLi Group created the terms Poli-Cyber™ and Geo-Poli-Cyber™ (GPCyber™) in 2012 because of seismic events that had started happening in prior years. These events and their trends led MLi Group chairman Khaled Fattal to believe that they will challenge and force critical need to change security strategies, models, solutions forever. Fattal further infused his vision and solutions with the philosophy that if you cannot identify and name the threat, you will fail to mitigate that threat.
Geo-Poli-Cyber™ attacks are political, ideological, terrorist, extremist, ‘religious’ and/or geo-politically motivated attacks which cyber security strategies and solutions continue failing to mitigate, defend and protect national and corporate entities, on unprecedented scales, and with devastating consequences.
- Learn More: To learn more, and to identify actions you can take now to get started click here.
- Request a No-Obligation Confidential Briefing: To submit your Expression of Interest for a no-obligation confidential top decision-maker briefing click here. (T&C apply).
- For Urgent Matters & Needs: To book your Urgent One-on-One briefing with chairman Khaled Fattal click here. (T&C apply).
Geo-Poli-Cyber warfare is often executed by leveraging many of the same cyber security weaknesses, gaps, deficiencies, and unpatched vulnerabilities, etc that hackers exploit when perpetrating profitability / financially motivated cyber-attacks. However, Geo-Poli-Cyber attacks and warfare’s impact is longer lasting and far more devasting and destructive on nations, economies, businesses and people’s lives and livelihoods than cyber-attacks for financial profits.
More Sinister and Destructive Than Financial Motivations
Geo-Poli-Cyber™ attacks are significantly different from financially motivated cyber-attacks in damage, scale, magnitude as well as in risk mitigation strategies and solutions.
GPCyber™ attacks can have dire direct & indirect impact on the nation state, organizations and their stakeholders. This is especially so in their impact on citizens’ lives and livelihoods.
GPCyber™ Motivations & Mitigation Strategies
MLi Group chairman Mr. Khaled Fattal has been involved in the global infrastructure of the Internet and its security and stability since the mid to late 90’s.
in 2012, led by chairman Fattal, MLi Group embarked on creating the ‘Survivability Strategies™, Solutions and Protocols to mitigate Geo-Poli-Cyber™ risks that go beyond followed strategies and solutions. MLi has continued evolving and improving them ever since.
Vindicated Vision with Unprecedented Solutions
MLi Group chairman Khaled Fattal accurately predicted that cyber security solutions designed to mitigate financially motivated attacks will fail to mitigate GPCyber™ motivated ones.
Today, national and corporate resiliency, continuity, and cyber security strategies and solutions keep failing on unprecedented scales in defending and mitigating alike – yet they continue being followed and relied upon like gospel to the detriment of all stakeholders.
Fattal was also vindicated with his 2012 visionary prediction that GPCyber™ attacks will lead to unprecedented and unmitigated events that have become routine occurrences and a fact of today’s daily life.
- Learn More: To learn more, and to identify actions you can take now to get started click here.
- Request a No-Obligation Confidential Briefing: To submit your Expression of Interest for a no-obligation confidential top decision-maker briefing click here. (T&C apply).
- For Urgent Matters & Needs: To book your Urgent One-on-One briefing with chairman Khaled Fattal click here. (T&C apply).
Ransomware often a Decoy to More Sinister GPCyber™ Motivations
MLi Group has documented specific incidents where financially motivated ransomware cyber attacks were used as a decoy for more sinister GPCyber™ motivations. Ask us to address this factor when you submit your request for a confidential private briefing.
GPCyber™ Perpetrators
Some of the Key perpetrators of devastating, debilitating and destructive GPCyber™ motivated attacks are the new breed of extremist and terrorist groups, lone wolves, and rogue states amongst many others.
Some GPCyber™ perpetrators are often directed or sponsored by national security agencies of not only enemies but ‘presumed allies’ who can often cause more damage than adversaries or enemies.
GPCyber™ Perpetrators’ Goals
GPCyber™ attacks are often aimed at coercing, altering or damaging the economic fate and/or the political directions of nations and organizations.
GPCyber™ – A New Threat Vector & Dimension
Today, the world is heavily threatened by this new “GPCyber™ Threat Vector” and its risks are escalating exponentially.
National Sovereignty & Corporate Security at New Risk
Organizations and governments all over the world that allow themselves to remain seriously unmitigated against GPCyber™ attacks are increasing the likelihood of potential catastrophic events being perpetrated on them. Such compromises will not only seriously damage their corporate and national security, but also ‘Effective, Competitive Sovereign and Corporate Survivability.”
Mitigating Your Unmitigated & Catastrophic Risks & Threats.
Geo-Poli-Cyber™ & Econ-Geo-Poli-Cyber™ refer to the intersection of geography, politics, geopolitics, national and corporate economics, and their infusion as motivations behind cyber-attacks and warfare.
Geo-Poli-Cyber™ & Econ-Geo-Poli-Cyber™ Attacks & Warfare involve the use of digital technologies and cyber-attacks to achieve strategic objectives in a physical or geographic context, with a focus on the political, geopolitical, and Economic Geo-Poli-Cyber (Econ-Geo-Poli-Cyber™) implications of these actions.
- Learn More: To learn more, and to identify actions you can take now to get started click here.
- Request a No-Obligation Confidential Briefing: To submit your Expression of Interest for a no-obligation confidential top decision-maker briefing click here. (T&C apply).
- For Urgent Matters & Needs: To book your Urgent One-on-One briefing with chairman Khaled Fattal click here. (T&C apply).
Geo-Poli-Cyber™ & Econ-Geo-Poli-Cyber™ Attacks & Warfare can take many forms, including:
- Cyber-attacks on Critical national Infrastructure: Targeting critical infrastructure such as power grids, transportation systems, or financial institutions to disrupt the functioning of a country or region and to create and gain a strategic advantage.
- Geospatial cyber operations: Using geospatial data and analytics to identify vulnerabilities in physical systems and infrastructure, and then launching targeted cyber-attacks to exploit those weaknesses.
- Cyber espionage and surveillance: Using digital means to gather intelligence on a country’s or organization’s physical operations, such as monitoring military movements, tracking supply chains, or gathering economic intelligence.
- Purposed Disinformation™: This includes the use of propaganda, deep fakes, social media and other digital channels to spread disinformation or half-truths to influence public opinion, destabilize national economies, governments, or disrupt global events. They are often very effective in altering outcomes of elections and voting processes and have caused serious damage to many democracies.
- Cyber-enabled physical attacks: Using digital technologies to facilitate physical attacks, such as hacking into industrial control systems to manipulate critical infrastructure or using drones and other unmanned systems to conduct physical attacks.
- Geo-tagging and targeted attacks: Using geospatial data to target specific individuals, organizations, or locations with cyber-attacks, such as hacking into a company’s database to steal sensitive information or disrupting a country’s financial systems.
- Cyber warfare in urban areas: Using digital technologies to disrupt the functioning of urban areas, such as hacking into traffic management systems to create congestion or disrupting public transportation systems.
- Reverse Engineering Intelligence Gathering: often used to target individuals with access to highly classified and sensitive government and/or Critical National Infrastructure, or corporate information in preparation for a targeted Geo-Poli-Cyber action ( any or all of the items above).
- Learn More: To learn more, and to identify actions you can take now to get started click here.
- Request a No-Obligation Confidential Briefing: To submit your Expression of Interest for a no-obligation confidential top decision-maker briefing click here. (T&C apply).
- For Urgent Matters & Needs: To book your Urgent One-on-One briefing with chairman Khaled Fattal click here. (T&C apply).
Geo-Poli-Cyber warfare can be used to achieve a range of objectives, including:
- Strategic advantage: Disrupting an enemy, adversary, or an ally’s critical infrastructure or stealing sensitive information to gain a strategic advantage in a conflict.
- Influence operations: Using cyber-attacks and disinformation to influence public opinion or manipulate a country’s decision-making process.
- Deterrence: Using cyber warfare capabilities to deter an adversary from taking certain actions or to demonstrate a country’s willingness to use force.
- Protection of national interests: Using c Geo-Poli-Cyber warfare to protect a country’s national interests, such as protecting its critical infrastructure or preventing the attack on, or the theft of classified, highly sensitive information and intellectual property.
In Summary & Call to Action.
Today’s Geo-Poli-Cyber™ & Econ-Geo-Poli-Cyber™ attacks & warfare can cause devastating, destructive and catastrophic consequences. These risks and threats have sky-rocketed recently with the breakneck speed advancements in AI and technological breakthroughs.
However, and more alarming is the fact that the best Continuity, Resiliency and Cyber Security Strategies and Solutions continue failing to effectively mitigate and defend, while they continue being followed like gospel.
Are you still willing to follow what can no longer defend or secure you and your organization?
“To Do Nothing vs To Act Promptly to Learn, identify and Mitigate.”
Call to Action.
Request your No-Obligation,
Top Decision Maker(s) Confidential Briefing.
Discover & identify your current Geo-Poli-Cyber™ & Econ-Geo-Poli-Cyber™ Attacks and Warfare Risk Exposures before they happen.
Learn Why, Whom, How, Where & When.
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