“Rule of Law” & “Justice” Under Unprecedented Risk in America & the World in 2025 & For Decades to Come. | MLi Group Chairman Khaled Fattal’s End of 2024 Year Message to Fellow Americans & Citizens of the World.

Quotes from MLi Group Chairman Khaled Fattal’s End of 2024 Year Message:

– “Yes, The Swamp Must be Drained – But How We Drain it is as Critical.”
– “Don’t Take my word for it. Question everything until you are satisfied that your research can enable you to make your own critically informed conclusion. American lives & livelihoods will depend on it like never before.” 
– “Failure to Stand up to these “Wrongs’ Will Cost us Americans Severely now and for decades to come.”

* Stay tuned. All upcoming Survivability Podcasts Episodes on by chairman Khaled Fattal on all topics listed below, will start being published starting January 1st, 2025.

Dear fellow Americans and citizens of the world.

Peace be upon you, greetings and happy holidays to you all, wherever you are. And before I wish you a happy 2025, I have a very special message to send to you, many may or may not like to hear.

Our very livelihood, stability, and economic prosperity are under unprecedented threat. And what we will or will not do about it will shape our lives now and forever.

I felt compelled to bring this daunting reality check to your attention about 2025 and beyond, because not only can we not afford to remain unaware of this, but also because I believe there is hope that this direction can be corrected if we act in time. You will understand what I am talking about as you read further and in my upcoming Survivability Podcasts™ episodes.

December 2024 – An Unprecedented Month.

December 2024 witnessed unprecedented events around the world. These events have created and laid the groundwork for domino effects that will adversely shape our daily lives all over the world, as things stand.

It will also adversely impact and shape America’s leadership role, economic prosperity, value system, and its respect around the world for the 21st century more than any other events of recent years and decades. Yes, this includes the Russia-Ukraine war, the US Iraq invasion in 2003, and America’s twenty-year long Afghanistan war. I will address why this is so in my upcoming Survivability Podcasts™ episodes listed below.

Some of these December 2024 events got spun and continue being propagandized as justice and freedom acts of empowerment where a country president the west called a dictator was toppled by ISIS affiliated armed militias, and whose leaders had and still has bounty of 10 million dollars by the US government for being an ISIS terrorist leader. Yet, their arrival to power in this country is hailed by western government and media as an act of human empowerment and a triumph to freedom, humanity, and democratic values worldwide. And of course, i will dig deeper into this in my upcoming Survivability Podcasts™ episodes.

Alarmingly, some of these December 2024 events have already started laying-down damaging fundamentals and precedents.

These damaging foundations and precedents will create a chain reaction that will cause serious damage to the very stability that our daily lives depend on in America for decades to come. And I will talk in great depth as what these damaging foundations and precedents are in my upcoming Survivability Podcasts™ episodes listed below.

New Damaging Fundamentals & Precedents to What? 

Justice” and the “Rule of Law

Domestic and Intenational.

2025 Prediction I:

“Justice” and the “Rule of Law”, domestic and international, and which are the critical ingredients of the stability and prosperity of any country, economy, society and their citizens, will cease to matter by the stroke of one person’s pen.”

Khaled Fattal, MLi Group chairman 

Unprecedented “Special Interest Cronyism” – Birth of a New Era.

A new era of unprecedented “Special Interest Cronyism” will replace the era of “Justice” and the “Rule of Law” in America. Then true to their history since the 2nd half of of the 20th century, Europe and its countries and the rest of western world will follow us like the poodles they have all been for decades.

“Special Interest Cronyism” had increased its grip on the American political power and system in recent years. Why am I saying that? You will better understand what I am talking about once you listen or watch the facts and examples I will give in my upcoming Survivability Podcasts™ episodes.

However, in 2025 the Special Interest Cronies grip on our political decision making and system will get so tight on our elected American politicians reaching new heights of capture and impacting our constitutional rights, and the rule of law and justice combined.

It will suffocate further any remaining accountability of our politicians to the people, and damage further American constitutional rights and the democratic values that we Americans cherish, expect and are so dependent on for our own Justice.

Toying with our American Lives and Livelihoods

Special Interest Cronies play with our lives like toys and sold us and our elected politicians many false promises. One of them is that only by America projecting power thru brute force can America win the day and the 21st century – even if that means breaking and ignoring the Rule of Law, domestic and international.

This will not only damage America, but the livelihood of every American for decades, if we do not stand up together and challenge it.

America & Americans NOT Immune from Damaging & Devastating Reprisals

Special Interest Cronies have also sold the delusion that our America is IMMUNE from reprisals, that we cannot be harmed, that we can overcome anything, including a nuclear Armageddon.

Instead, they want us to keep treating everything like a nail, as if we are the ONLY hammer in the world

They are 100% mistaken and delusional that we American have NO catastrophic Cyber or Geo-Poli-Cyber™ attack vulnerabilities.

Our economy can be shut down for hours, days, if not weeks, at the click of a button with unfathomable costs and damage to us and America.

They have made many Americans gradually move away from the genuine values that truly made America great in the past, such as our kindness, compassion, and support for underdogs all over the world.

2025 Prediction II:

“In 2025, Special Interest Cronies will start justifying breaking the Rule of Law, domestic and/or international is in America’s & its allies’ best interest to make America Great.”

“Not challenging this, or buying into it, are the slippery slope to our own American abyss.” 

Khaled Fattal, MLi Group chairman 

Yes, The Swamp Must be Drained – But How We Drain it is as Critical.

Most fellow Americans and I may agree that the “Swamp must be Drained”, however, I believe how it gets drained is as critical as actually draining it.

In fact, I believe we cannot afford to drain the swamp by breaking laws or causing injustice at home or overseas. Alarmingly, some of these catastrophic precedents have already started rolling and have now gone in full motion. I will also address this in my upcoming Survivability Podcasts™ episodes.

Don’t Take my word for it – Do your research before making a critically informed conclusion. 

I don’t want nor expect fellow Americans or citizens of the world to fully heed my warnings and appreciate my predictions in this end of 2024 year message just because I said so.

This is why I urge you all to stay tuned and to listen or watch all my upcoming Survivability Podcasts Episodes on these topics when they get published.

Also, question everything until you are satisfied you have done your research or due diligence to make a critically informed conclusion.

Failure to Stand up Will Cost us Americans Severely

Our failure to stand up to this is not an option, because if it continues to take root, it will threaten the very fabric of our American livelihood, prosperity, and the rule of law and Justice we are so utterly dependent on in our daily lives.

I will explain more on all the above in the upcoming Survivability Podcasts™ episodes. In each episode, I will dig deeper to give you more context and details per the episode title and its descriptions below:




  • Episode A: An overarching Podcast of all upcoming episodes & What ties them all together. Topics, themes, events and other facts will be named while introducing some of the key critical factors pertaining to each episode.


  • Episode B: Take “Justice” & “Rule of Law” for Granted at your Own Peril | As Americans, our very livelihood will be impacted because of our escalating abuse of them in 2025 – This is Why.


  • Episode C: Fall of Syria will Adversely Impact Americans, Democracy & Justice in the US & Worldwide – This is Why.


  • Episode D: Fall of Assad Vs Fall of Syria | Why is the distinction critical? Propaganda Vs Facts? Genuine errors in judgement people everywhere are falling victims to.


  • Episode E: Is Syria’s Fall in 2024 the “Sykes-Pico of the 21st Century”? Why is this awareness critical to Americans, Syrians & people worldwide? What are the Impacts of this on Genuine Freedom & Democratic Values worldwide?


  • Episode F: UN IGF 2024 – Saudi Arabia hosted the 19th Annual United Nations Internet Governance Forum (UN IGF) – Outcomes, plus the Great, the Good, the Bad, and the Challenging.


  • Episode G: Is the UN IGF Still Capable of Becoming Relevant? Even after 20 years of Bla..Bla..Bla.. & Grand Ceremonies, (Sorry Vint & Antonio)? How?


  • Others, TBD

Stay tuned and Happy 2025.


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What Are
Cyber™ Risks?

What Is Geo-Poli-Cyber™?

MLi Group created the terms Poli-Cyber™ and Geo-Poli-Cyber™ (GPC™) in 2012 and 2013 based on the philosophy that if you cannot identify and name the threat, you cannot mitigate that threat.

Geo-Poli-Cyber™ attacks are political, ideological, terrorist, extremist, ‘religious’, and/or geo-politically motivated.

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