People working from home share ideas on how not to overheat amid soaring temperatures in BritainAfter months of working from home, hunched over laptops at small kitchen tables, Monday may well have been the hardest day for many. Temperatures reached as high as 35.2C at Heathrow and housebound workers took to social media to share their dissatisfaction.“WFH in this heat is horrid! I now really miss the air con at work that I always complained about being too cold,” tweeted Raj Kaur Bilkhu. Continue reading…
People working from home share ideas on how not to overheat amid soaring temperatures in Britain
After months of working from home, hunched over laptops at small kitchen tables, Monday may well have been the hardest day for many. Temperatures reached as high as 35.2C at Heathrow and housebound workers took to social media to share their dissatisfaction.
“WFH in this heat is horrid! I now really miss the air con at work that I always complained about being too cold,” tweeted Raj Kaur Bilkhu.